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Your Title: What Would You Name Your Recipe?

Sample Titles: 20-Minute Chicken Quinoa Salad or How to Make the Best Seasonal Veggie Salad or The Ultimate Leftovers Salad

To boost the post’s SEO, include a keyword in the title.

Now that you’ve hooked your readers with a great (and delicious) title, it’s time to write your introductory paragraph. Use this section to tell your reader exactly what they will be preparing in this post. You can explain what makes you an expert and your personal experiences making this recipe. Anecdotes are great to draw the reader in.

Before listing the ingredients and recipe below, add one last sentence that sums up your recipe. You can also add how many servings it makes and the total preparation time.

This is the place to grab your reader’s attention with the help of stunning, high-quality images of your recipe. You can add an image for each step in your recipe or of the final dish. Add your images here.


Your List of Ingredients

  • Name each ingredient along with its quantity

  • Feel free to link to the products you recommend

  • Don’t forget to include the optional add-ins to the recipe

Step 1: Let’s Get Started

This is the first step to making your perfect dish. Be as detailed as possible, making sure your readers can follow along.

Add a heading for each step of your recipe. Headings pop out to your readers and keep them scrolling down the page. Break the process down into short, clear steps.

Step 2: Add as many steps as you feel your recipe needs.

Format the heading for each step to Heading 3.


Close the Post

End with a quick summary of what your readers just learned to make. Then invite them to leave a comment, follow you on social media or check out related posts.

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Hey there, I’m Mabel, and my dog Arlo and I are passionate about empowering women in business and in life. We believe that together, we can break down barriers and create opportunities that allow women everywhere to achieve success and fulfillment. On our blog, we share tips and advice on everything from entrepreneurship to self-care, all with the goal of helping women unlock their full potential. Join us on this empowering journey!

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